Automatic Update Issues

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Where are you hosted?

When leaving a support ticket, please let us know where you’re hosted. A common culprit is GoDaddy.

Check your wp-config.php file

Using an FTP program or C-Panel file editor, locate your wp-config.php file. The file is usually at the very front of your WordPress installation.

If you find the line define('AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED', true);, remove it and try the `Force Updates` button in the Advanced section of the Easy Updates Manager settings.

If Force Updates works, then the plugin/WordPress will check for automatic updates every twelve hours from then on out.

WordPress has three main cron processes that need to run for automatic updates. You can use WP Crontrol to see these processes.

If automatic updates aren’t working and you’ve tried everything, it may simply be a cron issue.

Check your wp-config.php file for this constant: define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', true );

If that is in there, WordPress will no longer update by itself unless you have set up a crontab to ping `wp-cron.php` directly.

Contact your host

For some strange reason unbeknownst to us, some hosts disable automatic updates, whether this is an issue with a C-Panel setup or a common host such as WP Engine or GoDaddy.

Reach out to your host, tell them you are trying to automatically update your plugins and themes, and mention Easy Updates Manager.

Still can’t update?

Try posting a support ticket and we’ll do our best to help you.