Check Plugins (Premium)

Checking plugins allows you to view plugins that may have been removed from the WordPress Plugin Directory. Such plugins have been removed for some reason and may pose a security risk if used. When checked, a notice will be shown in your plugin interface as shown...

Export/Import Settings (Premium)

If you have a lot of Easy Updates Manager instances, it can be tedious re-configuring each plugin from scratch. Luckily you can export your settings and import them on another...

Safe Mode (Premium)

Safe Mode detects which plugins do not meet the WordPress update requirements. It also checks if a plugin has a minimum PHP requirement, so Safe Mode will not update the plugin to prevent any errors from occurring. Safe Mode displays incompatible plugins in your...

Webhook (Premium)

A webhook allows you to connect to third-party services such as Zapier. You can also run a cron job every so often to ping the webhook that way you know your site is...

Anonymize Updates (Premium)

Anonymize updates prevents sensitive data from being sent to the WordPress API. You can send the data anonymously or...